

We will always provide the best service.

With our extensive knowledge and experience in the field of education, Dr. Al Shamsi is committed to helping institutions maximize their potential and create a brighter future for students who are citizens and residents of the United Arab Emirates and the Arab Gulf countries. Dr. Al Shamsi brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to KAT Consultancy and is committed to providing innovative solutions to help our clients achieve their educational goals.

KAT Services: Comprehensive Educational Solutions

KAT Study

We assist students to achieve their educational goals, such as educational consulting, scholarship assistance, university admissions guidance, counseling, academic follow-up, and logistics services. Their focus is on providing comprehensive support to students, including a smooth transition to their new educational environment.

KAT Academic

The company has partnerships with accredited international educational institutions, and offers curriculum development and specialized study programs. They also provide monitoring and evaluation of student performance, as well as academic support.

KAT Management

The company offers consultations for the development of education systems and institutions, as well as capacity building. They also supervise the development of educational performance and systems for managing educational institutions. In addition, they provide human resources consulting, technology support, and financial advice.

KAT Reasearch

We offer data collection and analysis services, as well as statistics work for research projects in fields such as engineering, science, and education. Their team of experts provides insights to help clients make informed decisions in the development of new technologies or the improvement of existing educational systems.

We always work

with a good process




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